Case ID: 2863
This is a 45yo female 6 months after her drainless abdominoplasty where skin excision and plication and etching was performed.
AbdominoplastyCase ID: 2863
This is a 45yo female 6 months after her drainless abdominoplasty where skin excision and plication and etching was performed.
AbdominoplastyCase ID: 2862
Pt is a 36yo female who is 6 months after her abdominoplasty where skin excision and muscular plication was performed.
AbdominoplastyCase ID: 2861
This is a 39yo female 4 months after her abdominoplasty where skin excision and muscular plication was performed.
AbdominoplastyCase ID: 2860
This is a 47yo female who wanted removal of her excess abdominal skin and muscular laxity. Pt underwent a drainless abdominoplasty with some abdominal etching and is 4 months post op.
AbdominoplastyCase ID: 0692
54 year female 3 months after abdominal liposuction only. 800cc of aspirate was obtained to improve her abdominal contour.
3 Post-Op Abdominal LipoCase ID: 0687
42 year old gentleman intererested in improving the contour of his abdomen and flanks. 950cc was aspirated from his abdomen and 900cc was aspirated from his flanks. Pt. is 6 weeks s/p liposuction of these areas.
42 Years Old MaleCase ID: 0680
20 year old female interested in improving the contour of her flanks and inner thighs. 825cc was aspirated from her flanks and 350cc was aspirated from her inner thighs. Pt. is 6 weeks s/p liposuction of these areas.
6 Weeks Post-Op S/P LipoCase ID: 0673
51 year old female 4 months after liposuction of her flanks. 500cc was removed from her right flank and 600cc was removed from the left flank.
51 Years Old FemaleCase ID: 0670
31 year old female 4 months after thigh liposuction. A total of 900cc of aspirate was obtained from each outer and inner thigh to improve her thigh contour.
4 Months Post-Op Thigh LipoCase ID: 0667
45 year old female who desired improvement to the shape of her outer and inner thighs as well as her inner knees. Patient is 4 months after liposuction to all of these areas. 175cc was aspirated from the inner thighs and 425cc was aspirated from the outer thighs and 100cc
45 Years Old Female