4 Months Post-Op Open Rhinoplasty
Case ID: 0360
16 year old female desiring correction of her dorsal nasal hump. Patient is 4 months after her open rhinoplasty.
4 Months Post-Op Open RhinoplastyCase ID: 0360
16 year old female desiring correction of her dorsal nasal hump. Patient is 4 months after her open rhinoplasty.
4 Months Post-Op Open RhinoplastyCase ID: 0353
32 year old female interested in reducing her dorsal hump on her nose and improving her tip definition and rotation. Patient is 6 weeks after an open rhinoplasty.
Reduced Dorsal HumpCase ID: 3043
This is a 22 yo female who wanted to improve her nasal dorsum and her tip. She is almost one year after her surgery.
RhinoplastyCase ID: 3049
This is a 22yo female who primarily was concerned with the bump on her nose. She is 4 months after her surgery.
RhinoplastyCase ID: 0337
62 tear old female interested in upper and lower eyelid rejuvenation. Patient is 3 months after her bilateral upper and lower eyelid lifts.
Bilateral Upper & Lower Eyelid LiftsCase ID: 0332
58 year old male interested in rejuvenating his upper and lower eyelid. An upper eyelid lift was performed. Simultaneous lower eyelid/cheek lifts were also performed. patient is 4 months after his blepharoplasty surgery.
Rejuvenated Upper & Lower EyelidCase ID: 2902
This is a 78yo male interested in removing skin on his upper lids and removal of lower eyelid fat pads. He is 3 months after his upper and lower blepharoplasty.
BlepharoplastyCase ID: 2901
This is a 73yo female who is 6 weeks after her upper and lower eyelid lift.