Case ID: 4025
This is a 32-year-old female who didn’t like her bulky ankles. Here she is 4 months after liposuction of bilateral ankles.
LiposuctionCase ID: 4025
This is a 32-year-old female who didn’t like her bulky ankles. Here she is 4 months after liposuction of bilateral ankles.
LiposuctionCase ID: 4017
This is a 23 yo lady who went from a G cup to a C cup for functional and cosmetic reasons. 492g and 475g was removed from the right and left breast respectively.
Breast ReductionCase ID: 4018
This is a 36 year old who had 218g and 242g removed from the right and left breast. She is 4 months after her surgery.
Breast ReductionCase ID: 3990
This is a 48 year old female who had 405cc Xfill gel implants placed under the muscle through a fold incision. She is 4 months post op.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 3991
This is a 33 year old woman who is 4 months post op. She had 440cc Xfill gel implants placed under the muscle through a fold incision.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 3992
This is a 36 year old female who had 470cc Xfill moderate high profile implants placed under the muscle through a fold incision. She is 4 months post op.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 3993
This is a 41 year old female who had 405cc Xfill gel implants placed under the muscle through a fold incision. She is 4 months post op.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 3994
This is a 43 year old female who had 405cc Xfill gel implants placed under the muscle through a fold incision. She is 4 months post op.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 3995
This is a 23 year old female who had 325cc gel implants placed under the muscle through a fold incision. She is now 4 months post op.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 3982
This is a 38 year old lady who is 5 months after an upper and lower blepharoplasty. She wanted her eyes to look more refreshed.