The rhinoplasty procedures that are performed today are anything but cookie-cutter; they hone in on the tiny details that make each patient’s nose look perfectly at home among other facial features. Generally speaking, this type of surgery is performed as conservatively as possible, seeking only to achieve a “best” version of the individual. Isn’t that the idea behind cosmetic surgery anyway, to reveal the you that you see in your mind’s eye?
A nose may be wide, prominent, straight, hooked, up-turned, or Roman; the sizes and shapes that may develop are seemingly endless. What is interesting is that these characteristics may be noticed on either a man’s or a woman’s face. Also interesting, many plastic surgeons report hearing similar complaints from their male patients, and a different set of complaints from their female patients. This should not come as a surprise; among the various shapes a nose can take, the overall symmetry and sizing of the male skull versus the female skull tends to differ, prompting the desire for certain nuances.
The Details that Matter
No nose is created equal to another. When we consult with women, what we often hear is that there is a desire to slim or straighten the nose. In recent years, the trend in rhinoplasty has been to allow length, versus creating a more prominent up-turn. Men, on the other hand, continue to appreciate a stronger feature with a perfected, 90- to 95-degree angle between the tip of the nose and the upper lip.
Regardless of gender, rhinoplasty focuses on achieving a shape and size that is in harmony on the face. If you would like to know more about this procedure, we’d love to meet with you. Call our Bloomington office at 309-664-1007.