Just because abdominoplasty is conducted on a routine basis does not mean you should jump into a decision regarding your goals and the way to get there. An informed decision is a confident decision. In preparation for your body enhancement, gather all the facts that you can. Here are a few to get you started.
- Tummy tuck surgery is focused on contouring, not on weight reduction, or even the reduction of circumference, although this is a wonderful “side effect” of tightening up abdominal muscles. Though physical fitness is not a requirement before abdominoplasty, there are beneficial aspects to a higher level of fitness prior to surgery. Not only can this maximize results, but it can also promote faster recovery.
- If lingering fat is a concern, you may talk with your plastic surgeon about beginning your transformation with liposuction. This procedure can be combined with your tummy tuck so you do not have to schedule two separate surgeries.
- Timing is an important consideration in deciding to have abdominoplasty. We understand you may be anxious to return to a more svelte you after childbirth. First, though, it is advantageous to let your body return to a more normal hormonal state. For six or more months after childbirth, the body continues to settle in to a new norm. This includes muscle and skin, as well as hormones.
- Expect the unexpected. Any surgical procedure that requires an incision disrupts not only the skin, but underlying nerves, as well. The result of this disruption could be lasting numbness. Typically, sensation is regained over several weeks or months. It is possible, though, that mild numbness may become a permanent sensation across the incision area.
During your consultation for abdominoplasty, we discuss all aspects of this body contouring procedure. The goal is for you to make a well-informed decision that leads to satisfactory results.